Your Email Address Won The Lottery

>Paseo De La Castellana
>15-89, 28008 Madrid,Spain Branch.
>Ref. Nº: ES/007/05/12/MAD.
>Batch. Nº: GHT/2907/333/05.
>We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer
>BALLOTING SWEEPSTAKE held on January 29th,2007. This is a millennium
>scientific computer game in which email addresses were used. It is a
>promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users; therefore you do
>not need to buy ticket to enter for it.
>Your email address attached to ticket star number (I have taken off the numbers) drew
>the EUROMILLION lucky numbers (I have taken the #ers off for safety issues) which consequently won the
>draw in the Second category.
>You have been approve for the star prize of EUR 787,248.26. (Seven
>Hundred And Eighty Seven Thousand, Two Hundred And Fourty Eight
>Euros,Twenty Six Cents)
>You are advised to keep this winning very confidential until you receive
>your lump prize in your account or optional cheque issuance to you.This is
>a protective measure to avoid double claiming by people you may tell as we
>have had cases like this before, Provide him with the information below:
>Name,Telephone Number,Fax Number,Wining Ticket Number,Reference Number and
>Amount Won Information For processing of your winning fund ,please contact
>our registered claim agent in addrres below.
>Guarantee Trust Agency.
>Mr. Cliff Branssen.
>Address: Sin Numero Madrid Spain.
>Telephone: 0034636287740.
>Rememer, all winning must be claimed not later than Febuary 15th,
>2007.Please note, in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
>complications,remember to quote your reference number and batch number in
>all correspondence.Furthermore, should there be any change of address do
>inform our agent as soon as possible.
>Best Regard,
>Mrs. Emily Simon,
>Lottery coordinator.
>The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
>whom or which it is addressed. Unauthorised use, disclosure or copying is
>strictly prohibited. The sender accepts no liability for the improper
>transmission of this communication nor for any delay in its receipt .